Muscle myths explored

A little muscle knowledge can be dangerous, not least in the gym. Discover the truth behind these classic workout myths 

Myth #1: Low weight and high reps build muscle mass

The truth: Most forms of resistance training will build muscle for beginners, but as your body adapts you need to add more weight to keep growing. The key here is that your strength levels underpin your muscular development – more strength equals more potential weight to lift, which means more muscle growth. You’ll lose weight with the low/high mode of training, but for the big gains it’s got to be heavy.
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Myth #2: Upping your protein intake boosts growth

The truth: Whatever you consume, you'll build fat if you eat too much of it. Muscle growth is a result of stress (training) and recovery (eating and rest). If there’s not enough stress, there’s no muscle. Adding protein 
to your diet boosts the amount your body turns over – it doesn’t automatically grow muscle. Supplements are designed to aid recovery from exercise, but if you’re not exercising you don’t need them.

Myth #3: Running on a treadmill is kinder on joints
The truth: There are three differences between treadmill running and an al fresco dash: air resistance, varying terrain and the fact that the treadmill assists the backward flick of your legs. Outdoor running exposes your body to a variety of challenges, specifically to the stability of muscles. The treadmill is easier, but it comes at a price: a 5% lower calorie burn. To shift that gut, go outside.

Myth #4: You can eat what you want when you're hurting

The truth: Everyone knows post-exercise is the best time to eat. You’ll have depleted muscle glycogen and broken down muscular protein by training, and providing carbohydrates and protein helps you to rebuild. Can you eat what you want when hurting? No. Once you have restocked muscle glycogen levels, any surplus fat or carbohydrate will be stored as fat, regardless of how much you ache.

Myth #5: To get a six-pack, do 100 crunches every day

The truth: No, 100 crunches a day guarantees you a bad back. Research by back specialist Dr Stuart McGill shows you have a given number of crunch-like movements in your back: too many and a back injury awaits. If you want to work your abs, go for plank variations, wheel roll-outs and hip-drive movements. Six-packs are a product of healthy eating: lean proteinand veg with every meal.

Myth #6: It's only a good workout if you're in agony
The truth: It depends what you’re training for. The memory of your sessions should be etched into your muscles, but this should be factored into your programme. If you’re in agony, it’s usually because you’re out of shape, or your training volume is too high and has caused muscular damage. Restart your programme with minimal weights/reps and increase the volume in the ensuing weeks.



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